Monday, December 29, 2008


We were honestly pretty boring for Halloween this year. We did carve our first pumpkin together though and boy was it a doozy! We had to be a little crazy with it so it was fun! We mangaged to do nothing out of the ordinary that night. We went to Jason's cousins and watched movies and ate pizza. Yum! We managed to give candy out to a few trick or treaters. We were able to see our sweet niece Mill go out for her first time as a little white lamb she was so stinkin cute! We did manage to do something exciting that Saturday we went to Lagoon with some of Jason's friends from high school. It was a lot of fun and always good to spend time with great friends.

1 comment:

Nicki G said...

Halloween?! I am guessing you are a tiny bit behind with your posting :) What about Thanksgiving & Christmas!