Monday, December 29, 2008


Thanksgiving was sure somethin! My friend Allie from Missouri came up from St. George to spend the weekend with us. We went to Jason's dad's house for the occasion and it was CRAZY! If Im not mistaken I believe there were 42, maybe more, people there. We had Jason's step sister and husband, 2 step brothers and their wives with their kids, aunt and unlce, cousins and sppouses, sisters and brother, friends of the family, ect..... It was ridiculous. A lot of fun however and I love and am so greatful that Jas has such a large family. On my dad's side of the family we only have 1 cousin so it makes times a little bland. I guess thats a fitting word. Not that I don't love my family but we really don't see them that often so it makes it sad. Ok so back to Thanksgiving, It really was a fantastic day with lots of happy memories! Always a down side it seems like though Allie ended up getting the flu the next day and was almost on her death bed. Poor Allie I'm glad I can always help her out in her times of need! (love you Al) I decided to venture out with Heather on black Friday. This was my first year and I wasnt too much of a fan. All I really wanted was fabric from Joanns and oh my gosh! it was ubsurd. I have never seen such a line or such a cart so full of bolts of fabric. I got as much as I could but when I realized that I was 89 D and next calling 23 B I said forget it I abandonded my cart and went back back into the maze of people praying to get out of the store alive. Next year however I have a plan. The day before I am going to get all the fabric pre cut and hide it somewhere in the store so I can walk in pick it up and walk out it will be that easy......well we will see how it goes

I couldnt even believe how many plates we used. there were even a few straglers!

Sleepy time after dinner is always the best time

Jason's step brothers and step sister along with their spouses and kids as well as his siblings. It was nuts

Allies first time shooting a gun. I think she liked it!

It ended beautiful sunset

1 comment:

Bridget and Derrik said...

Hey Jason, I just came across your blog and showed Derrik:) You guys look great, Derrik said to call him or shoot him an email so you can catch up! Looks like everything is going well!!! Great seeing you:)