Monday, December 29, 2008


Thanksgiving was sure somethin! My friend Allie from Missouri came up from St. George to spend the weekend with us. We went to Jason's dad's house for the occasion and it was CRAZY! If Im not mistaken I believe there were 42, maybe more, people there. We had Jason's step sister and husband, 2 step brothers and their wives with their kids, aunt and unlce, cousins and sppouses, sisters and brother, friends of the family, ect..... It was ridiculous. A lot of fun however and I love and am so greatful that Jas has such a large family. On my dad's side of the family we only have 1 cousin so it makes times a little bland. I guess thats a fitting word. Not that I don't love my family but we really don't see them that often so it makes it sad. Ok so back to Thanksgiving, It really was a fantastic day with lots of happy memories! Always a down side it seems like though Allie ended up getting the flu the next day and was almost on her death bed. Poor Allie I'm glad I can always help her out in her times of need! (love you Al) I decided to venture out with Heather on black Friday. This was my first year and I wasnt too much of a fan. All I really wanted was fabric from Joanns and oh my gosh! it was ubsurd. I have never seen such a line or such a cart so full of bolts of fabric. I got as much as I could but when I realized that I was 89 D and next calling 23 B I said forget it I abandonded my cart and went back back into the maze of people praying to get out of the store alive. Next year however I have a plan. The day before I am going to get all the fabric pre cut and hide it somewhere in the store so I can walk in pick it up and walk out it will be that easy......well we will see how it goes

I couldnt even believe how many plates we used. there were even a few straglers!

Sleepy time after dinner is always the best time

Jason's step brothers and step sister along with their spouses and kids as well as his siblings. It was nuts

Allies first time shooting a gun. I think she liked it!

It ended beautiful sunset


We were honestly pretty boring for Halloween this year. We did carve our first pumpkin together though and boy was it a doozy! We had to be a little crazy with it so it was fun! We mangaged to do nothing out of the ordinary that night. We went to Jason's cousins and watched movies and ate pizza. Yum! We managed to give candy out to a few trick or treaters. We were able to see our sweet niece Mill go out for her first time as a little white lamb she was so stinkin cute! We did manage to do something exciting that Saturday we went to Lagoon with some of Jason's friends from high school. It was a lot of fun and always good to spend time with great friends.


Once again I have become quite the slacker with this thing so Im going to have to skip a bit and jump to Christmas. This holiday season has been crazy for us and it has brought a lot of fun times with our family. It has also brought some sickness. The week before Christmas I got the stomach flu and its the first time that I can remember getting it. I was not a happy camper and then I unfortunaltly gave it to Jas, he was really not a happy camper. Luckily it was only the 24 hour thing however I think it stayed with me for a week. I didnt start feeling 100% until the day after Christmas. Blah I know! However we did get to go to Jason's sisters house for Christmas and spend time with her cute family as well as Jason's mom. We love our sweet niece and nephew and love spending time with them. It was full of yummy food and fun times. I will admit however that we were all pretty lazy but thats what vacation is for right?! Im going to apologize in advance for my next posts. They will be completely out of order!

Collette got a new kitchen for chirstmas and was so thrilled about it

Clancy got new farm stuff

We all look very tired. It was a fun morning!

He is like a little davie crockett

And at the end of the day....acutally the middle of the day Collette was wiped out

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Taking Care of Allie

So my friend Allie from Missouri is now living in St. George. She called me one day and asked if I would come down and take care of her when she had another knee surgery. Allie plays basketball and tore her ACL she had this gnarly scar from it and it was hindering her movement so anyway I agreed to go down and be her nurse for a few days. The day after I got there I took her to the "Crack" its this huge boulder that I guess cracked and you can walk through it but it is very thin and at times you can get a little claustrophobic so here are some pictures of our adventures.This is the infamous crack. When Allie saw it She thought I was joking. She didn't think there was anyway we were going through that.

Oh she was so EXCITED

Who knows whats going on here!!

Ok so she got really scared a few times and really claustrophobic but I refused to let her turn around!

This was my scared face!!

She was happy for a little break, there was a little cave that opened the crack up half way through

She was so happy to be out and after it was over she said she loved it and was excited to bring someone else with her

After the crack nothing but smile!!

So now the fun stuff was over and the surgery day was here. We got to the hospital and I made sure I took some pictures of her scar.

Allie with her nurse getting ready to go.

Now the nurse was taking a look see at the scar and noticed that Allie had failed to shave any hair around her scar so she decided to take it upon herself and do it for her.So after surgery I went in to her room to see her and she was happy as can be.

On the way home Allie did get a little sick and I had to pull over and let her take care of business but it just so happened that we were taking up the turning lane and just our luck a police officer came up and asked if everything was ok. We had a good laugh after it was all said and done.

The next day I got to take her to physical therapy and we are all very glad to say that her scar looks so much better.

The day I had to leave came quickly and this how I had to leaver her. On her bed with her leg propped doing her homework.